

, Conference “Europe and the Balkans: Three Centuries of Embrace”, Belgrade, June 28-29, 2024

The central international conference of the Project CTES (Cultural Transfer Europe-Serbia from the 19th to the 21st Century) entitled “Europe and the Balkans: Three Centuries of Embrace” was held in Belgrade on June 28-29, at Aero Klub. The project is financed by the Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia withing its programme IDEAS. This conference was also supported by the Open Society Foundations for the Western Balkans and I&G Grupa. The conference got in kind support from the Foundation BFPE and the Institute for European Studies. Media sponsors and friends of the conference were: Novi Magazin weekly, Vreme weekly, Two Rivers, Zepter Book World, and Radio Belgrade.


Sanja Ivić, European Citizenship and the Concept of Digital Self

Postmodern theory can be viewed as a new roadmap for interconnection between European citizenship and digitalization. This paper emphasizes that the concept of the digital self based on the postmodernist idea of identity might serve as a roadmap for the relationship between digitalization and European citizenship. In addition to providing a framework for the study of EU citizenship and digital citizenship, postmodernism can be used to challenge essentialist claims about these two concepts by presenting an anti-foundationalist perspective that takes heterogeneous and fluid identities into account Another roadmap for the interconnection of European citizenship and digitization is the better development of digital human rights in the European context. This paper emphasizes that the main shortcoming of the European Declaration on Digital Rights and Principles is that it does not include the concept of human dignity on which the idea of human rights is based and which is emphasized by the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union and other European legal documents. Nevertheless, it should be remembered that the idea of human rights is dynamic and constantly evolving. Sanja Ivić, "European Citizenship and the Concept of Digital Self," Internet of Things, Vol. 27, 2024, ISSN 2542-6605, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.iot.2024.101274. Časopis Internet of Things je vrhunski međunarodni časopis kategorije M 21a.


Sanja Ivić, The Dynamic Nature of European Identity

EU citizenship requires a multilayered and dynamic concept of European identity. The idea of European identity embodied in the Declaration on European Identity and within A Charter on European Identity needs to be rethought. These documents should not contain essentialist assumptions based on the difference between "Europe" and "Other" that excludes and marginalizes a number of citizens. European identity should not create new forms of nationalism. That is why the concept of European identity should be flexible and dynamic. The concepts of identity, values, and Europe need to be rebuilt and reinterpreted in a multifaceted, adaptable, and dynamic manner. We can only discuss the dynamic nature of the European Union and the European identity in this sense. The concept of European identity should be developed less in terms of a predetermined past and more in terms of shared projects, long-term goals and connections resulting from a long-term, deliberate process. Athens Journal of Humanities and Arts, Vol. 11, 2024, pp. 1-16


Gordana Đerić, Imitatori glasova. O književnom prevođenju i prevodiocima

У овоj књизи књижевном преводилаштву приступамо као најзначајнијој форми језика – оној форми која га потврђује као посебан језик – и испитујемо феноменологију ове делатности на бази десет есеја истакнутих књижевних преводилаца са француског, немачког, енглеског, руског, турског и италијанског језика. Друго издање 2024.


Slobodan G. Marković, Kulturni transfer Evropa-Srbija u XIX veku



Nemanja Radulović , "Druga svest" u srpskoj kulturi i književnosti 19. i ranog 20. veka

Book Chapter in Godišnjak Katedre za srpsku književnost sa južnoslovenskim književnostima


Sanja Ivić, The United Nations Narrative of Climate Change: The Logic of Apocalypse

This paper emphasizes the crucial role that language use plays in climate change communication. In particular, this paper examines UN public discourse and narratives about climate change. It will be shown that the climate change is often described as a "threat to human wellbeing" and as an external enemy – the Other. On the other hand, humanity is often portrayed as a victim of climate change. The consequence of this rhetoric and logic of apocalypse is insufficient action in relation to climate change. The narrative construction of the Other that is described as a threat is founded on binary oppositions: we/they, self/other, culture/nature, human/non-human and so forth. As long as climate change is described as an external enemy and "independent matter" and climate policy is based on binary oppositions, action to combat climate change will remain insufficient. Cultura - International Journal of Culture and Axiology, Vol. 20, no 1, 2023, ISSN 1584-1057, https://www.researchgate.net/publication/368646005_The_United_Nations_Narrative_of_Climate_Change_The_Logic_of_Apocalypse


Slobodan G. Marković, Cosmopolitanism, Ecumenism and Syncretism of Father Nikolaj Velimirović in 1915-1919

Book Chapter in Bishop Nikolaj Velimirović: Old Controversies in Historical and Theological Context


Dragomir Bondžić, Ivana Pantelić, Julije Benešić kao delegat Ministarstva prosvete pri Poslanstvu Kraljevine Jugoslavij u Varšavi 1930-1938

Julije Benešić (1883-1957) bio je istaknuti hrvatski polonista. Rođen je u Iloku, gde je završio osnovnu školu. Gimnaziju je završio u Osijeku 1902. Studirao je medicinu, slavistiku, romanistiku, geografiju i istoriju u Beču, Krakovu, Pragu i Zagrebu i diplomirao je geografiju u Krakovu 1908. Radio je kao gimnazijski profesor, pisac, pozorišni kritičar, urednik časopisa, leksikograf, prevodilac, lektor poljskog jezika u Zagrebu i srpskohrvatskog u Varšavi, a bio je i upravnik Hrvatskog narodnog kazališta u Zagrebu 1921-1926. i 1939-1940. U ovom članku se bavimo životom i radom Julija Benešića u Poljskoj od 1930. do 1938. godine, dok je bio delegat Ministarstva prosvete pri poslanstvu Kraljevine Jugoslavije u Varšavi. To je bio period realizacije Sporazuma o naučnim, školskim i umetničkim odnosima između Kraljevine Jugoslavije i Republike Poljske potpisanog 1931, period kulturnog zbližavanja i uspona prosvetne, naučne i kulturne saradnje između dve zemlje. Tome je ogroman doprinos dao i sam Benešić. Pratio je kulturna zbivanja u Poljskoj, objavljivao članke u poljskoj štampi, prevodio i objavljivao tekstove o Jugoslaviji, putovao po Poljskoj, održavao kontakte sa poljskim književnicima, umetnicima, novinarima i političarima, organizovao razmenu jugoslovenskih i poljskih umetnika, književnika, naučnika i studenata, uspostavljao veze između jugoslovenskih i poljskih kulturnih ustanova, itd. Bio je lektor srpsko-hrvatskog jezika na Varšavskom univerzitetu, a na univerzitetima i javnim tribinama širom Poljske je držao predavanja o jugoslovenskoj književnosti i časove srpsko-hrvatskog jezika. Izdavao je „Jugoslovensku biblioteku“ u kojoj je objavljeno 13 knjiga iz jugoslovenske književnosti u poljskom prevodu. Benešićev boravak i aktivnosti u Poljskoj, a posebno njegove stavove, utiske i razmišljanja, pratimo na osnovu arhivskih dokumenata i Benešićevih memoarskih zapisa. Posebna pažnja je posvećena komparativnoj analizi i upoređivanju ovih istorijskih izvora i ukazivanju na različite stavove i slike koje oni nude. https://isi.ac.rs/julije-benesic-kao-delegat-ministarstva-prosvete-pri-poslanstvu-kraljevine-jugoslavije-u-varsavi-1930-1938/


Sanja Ivić, The Concept of European Values: Creating a New Narrative for Europe

The Concept of European Values: Creating a New Narrative for Europe offers a philosophical analysis of the concept of European values from its origin to the present day. This book rethinks European values in light of the crises—economic, political, migration, identity, and pandemic—that the European Union (EU) has faced from 2008 until today and analyzes EU initiatives to create a new narrative for Europe. Sanja Ivic reexamines the concept of European values as well as the philosophical and political assumptions on which this concept is based. In times of crisis, the EU has shown a lack of solidarity. As evidenced by Brexit, the migration crisis, and the pandemic crisis, the EU is experiencing a clash of national and postnational norms and values. Ivic argues that the EU did not react in accordance with the supranational values and principles on which it is based, as stated in Article 2 of the Treaty on European Union: respect for democracy, human dignity, freedom, equality, the rule of law, and respect for human rights. Its reaction to these crises shows a turn from postnational values (which the EU advocated as a supranational political community) to nationalist paradigms. ISBN 978-1-66690-565-6, https://rowman.com/ISBN/9781666905656/The-Concept-of-European-Values-Creating-a-New-Narrative-for-Europe