

28. и 29. јун - међународна конференција "Serbia and the Balkans: Three Centuries of Embrace with Europe"

Report on the conference “Europe and the Balkans: Three Centuries of Embrace”, Belgrade, June 28-29, 2024 The central international conference of the Project CTES (Cultural Transfer Europe-Serbia from the 19th to the 21st Century) entitled “Europe and the Balkans: Three Centuries of Embrace” was held in Belgrade on June 28-29, at Aero Klub. The project is financed by the Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia withing its programme IDEAS. This conference was also supported by the Open Society Foundations for the Western Balkans and I&G Grupa. The conference got in kind support from the Foundation BFPE and the Institute for European Studies. Media sponsors and friends of the conference were: Novi Magazin weekly, Vreme weekly, Two Rivers, Zepter Book World, and Radio Belgrade. A. Organisation of the International Conference 1. Programme of the International Conference The international conference was attended by team members from the five institutions in Belgrade that participate in the project (Faculty of Political Science, Institute for European Studies, Institute for Balkan Studies of SASA, Institute for Contemporary History and Faculty of Philology). They participated in the conference in three capacities as panellists (Prof. Nemanja Radulović, Prof. Slobodan G. Markovich, Dr Aleksandra Djuric Milovanovic, Dr Jovica Pavlovic, Srboljub Peovic, Dr Ivana Pantelic), as panel co-ordinators (Prof. Marina Simic, Prof. Slobodan G. Markovich, Dr Ivana Pantelic and Dr Aleksandra Djuric Milovanovic), and in the team for the organisation of the conference that also included colleagues from the Institute for European Studies, or have submitted their papers (Dr Gordana Djeric and Dr Aleksandar Gajic). The conference also gathered prominent foreign panellists from the University College Dublin, University College London, London School of Economics, University of Exeter, University of Kent, Institute for Human Sciences Vienna (IWM), University of Vienna, University of Cologne, University of Athens, Yale University, and University of Debrecen. The foreign panellists included Prof. Zoran Milutinović, Prof. Siniša Malešević, Dr Spyros Economides, Prof. Vesna Goldsworthy, Prof. Wolfgang Schmale, Misha Glenny, Ivan Vejvoda, and Dr Eric Beckett Weaver who all personally attended the event. Prof. Paschalis Kitromilides, Prof. James Ker-Lindsay, Dr Orel Beilinson, and Dr Dragana Grbić were present via zoom. Two colleagues from the Faculty of Philosophy University of Novi Sad Prof. Goran Vasin and Prof. Vladimir Gvozden also were panellists of the conference and attended it in person. Prominent panellists from media and NGOs were also present. The conference was also followed by 20 participants from various scholarly institutions in Belgrade, but also from the United Kingdom, Italy and China. They were very active in Q&A sessions at the end of each panel. The conference was opened by Dragan R. Simić, dean of FPS, who expressed his thanks to the Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia and the CTES team, and Ms. Bojana Selakovic who announced future co-operation of CTES with the National Convention of the EU in Serbia. The international conference included the presentation of preliminary findings of the CTES project that was given by Prof. Slobodan G. Markovich. It was followed by seven panels that were entitled: 1. Impact of Europe on South-East Europe in the 18th Century (Prof. Paschalis Kitromilides, Dr Dragana Grbić, Prof. Goran Vasin), 2. Impact of Europe on Particular Countries (Dr Eric Beckett Weaver, Dr Orel Beilinson, Prof. James Ker-Lindsay), 3. Cultural Transfers Europe-Serbia in the 19th and 20th Centuries (Prof. Nemanja Radulović, Dr Ivana Pantelić, Dr Jovica Pavlović, Dr Aleksandra Djurić Milovanović, Srboljub Peović), 4. Between Imagination and Reality: Serbia and the Balkans between Europeanness and Balkanisation (Prof. Vesna Goldsworthy, Misha Glenny, Jelena Jorgačević Kisić), 5. European Ideologies and the Balkans (Prof. Siniša Malević, Prof. Slobodan G. Markovich), 6. Europeanisation of Serbian Culture (Prof. Jelena Pilipović, Prof. Zoran Milutinović, Prof. Vladimir Gvozden), and 7. Transformative Power of the EU: Serbia and the Balkans (Dr Spyros Economides, Sonja Licht, Ivan Vejvoda). Panels 1 to 3 took place on June 28, and panels 4-7 on June 29. On June 29, the conference also included a special lecture by Prof. Wolfgang Schmale entitled “Once upon a time when ‘Europe’ became a man – 18th and 19th-century Europe Conceptions.” The international conference “Europe and the Balkans: Three Centuries of Embrace” was the biggest scholarly conference dealing with the relations between Europe and Serbia in the previous two centuries organised after 2000 in Serbia. 2. Special events during the conference Visit to the Permanent Exhibition of the Yugoslav Film Archives On June 28, 2024, the Yugoslav Film Archives organised a special visit to their Permanent exhibition. That was an opportunity for the panellists and participants of the conference to see exhibits illustrating cultural transfer Europe-Serbia/Yugoslavia in the area of filmography where the transfer was very prominent and usually had immediate effects. Round table on History of Masculinity in Europe with Prof. Wolfgang Schmale This round table was held at the Institute for European Studies (IES) on July 1, 2024. Speakers included Prof. Marina Simić of the Faculty of Political Science, Prof. Slobodan G. Markovich of FPS and IES, and the author Prof. Wolfgang Schmale, member of Academia Europaea. The panel was chaired by Dr Ivana Pantelić of the Institute for Contemporary History. Prof. Simić, Prof. Markovich and Dr Pantelić are all CTES members. and the round table was a part of the project. Discussion followed the round table. PR team of FPS covered the whole event. 3. Collection of papers from the conference Collection of essays from the international conference will be published by the Faculty of Political Science and Zepter Book World in English. B. Promotion of the CTES project at the conference All who attended the conference (panellists, participants, representatives of digital and print media) were able to get those CTES books that interested them (4 of them were available), programmes of the conference and also issues of Novi Magazin in which contributions of CTES conferences were published. Novi Magazin donated issues of the weekly in which contributions of CTES members were published and Zepter Book World donated several copies of the book British-Serbian Relations from the 19th to the 21st Centuries that were also given to the interested panellists. Altogether some 150 books, and more than 100 issues of Novi Magazin were distributed on June 28 and 29, 2024. The initial presentation held on June 28, in the presence of many media, by Prof. Slobodan G. Markovich was dedicated to the results of the project CTES and also was intended to disseminate preliminary results of the project. In kind support of the conference The Foundation BFPE provided as in-kind support to the conference their full equipment for zoom, and their own logistical co-ordinator Mr. Nebojša Miljanović who supervised zoom transmissions on June 28. Thanks to the support of the Institute for European Studies a logistical team was formed that included CTES members (Prof. S. G. Markovich, Dr Jovica Pavlovic, Srboljub Peovic) and several younger colleagues from the Institute for European Studies (Nikola Tucakov, Petar Ćurčić, and Andrija Jovanović). C. Media Coverage of the Conference The conference was covered by various media, but special attention was given by the Radio Television of Serbia and Novi Magazin weekly. 1. Coverage of the conference by the Public Broadcaster – Radio Television of Serbia The Cultural News of RTS (Kulturni dnevnik) had report on the conference on June 28. Radio Belgrade, “Agora” show, that has traditionally covered events related to the CTES project, re-broadcasted its show on Cultural Transfer on Saturday July 13, 2024: At the same time RTS Nauka prepared a special report on the conference. A shortened version was aired on July 17, at 10.20, through RTS 1 within its Morning Programme (Jutarnji program) in the section called Scientific Alarm Clock (Naučni budilnik). The full documentary was aired on July 18 at 18.55 through RTS Nauka channel: It was re-aired on July 19 at 00.55, 06.55 and 12.55. The whole contribution is now publicly available through RTS’s YouTube channel RTS Nauka – Zvanični kanal / RTS Sicence – Official channel: 2. Coverage of the conference in weeklies Novi Magazin reported on the first day of the conference on July 1: A special and detailed report on the conference in six pages was published in its issue of July 18, 2024: Milica Maksimović, „Konferencija ‘Srbija i Balkan: tri veka prožimanja sa Evropom’“, Novi Magazin, No. 690, July 18, 2024, 57-61. The PR team of the Faculty of Political Science had its own report for the website of FPS. Belgrade weekly Radar made a special interview with Vesna Goldsworthy and Belgrade weekly Vreme with Prof. Siniša Malešević. 3. Doumentary resources Finally, a special documentary on the conference will be prepared in the format of 45-50 minutes. For the purposes of this documentary interviews were filmed with foreign panellists on June 28-29. All the technical support of Two Rivers is in kind support to the CTES project. The whole conference was recorded by professional camera and selected panels will be available on YouTube. Belgrade, August 4, 2024 Prof. Slobodan G. Markovich, Head of CTES team


01. јул - Округли сто: „Историја мушкости у Европи (1450–2000)“ Волфганг Шмале

Институт за европске студије, Центар за британске студије и CTES су у понедељак, 1. јула, са почетком у 11 часова у конференцијској сали Института за европске студије, организовали округли сто: „Историја мушкости у Европи (1450–2000)“ Волфганг Шмале. На округлом столу су учествовали: Проф. Марина Симић, Факултет политичких наука Проф. Слободан Г. Марковић, Центар за британске студије, Факултет политичких наука и Институт за европске студије Проф, Волфганг Шмале, Беч Модератор: Др Ивана Пантелић, Институт за савремену историју. Публика је предавање могла да пратити уживо, као и преко платформе Зум.


7. март – Културни трансфер у савремености – семинар поводом зборника радова „Имитатори гласова. О књижевном превођењу и преводиоцима“

На Институту за европске студије је у оквиру пројекта CTES, 07. марта 2024. организован семинар поводом зборника радова „Имитатори гласова. О књижевном превођењу и преводиоцима“ посвећеног успомени на преводиоца, књижевног уредника и издавача Алескандра В. Стефановића (1926-2024).


30. jun - Kulturni transfer Evropa - Kraljevina Jugoslavija

Konferencija je održana 30. juna 2023. godine na Fakultetu političkih nauka. Na konferenciji je svoje radove prezentovalo 22 autora. Osim autora prisutnih u Beogradu, učesnicima i publici konferencije su se obratili i panelisti iz Dablina i Minhena. Svi zainteresovani su mogli konferenciju da prate i putem zoom linka.


29. januar - Poseta Sremskim Karlovcima

Чланови тима посетили су у понедељак, 29. јануара, Патријаршијски двор у Сремским Карловцима (саграђен 1892-94), најрепрезентативније здање у граду које пружа одличан увид у европеизацију тадашње српске елите у Јужној Угарској. Водич кроз музеј Дарко Париповић организовао је посебно разгледање Музеја (Ризница), али и првог спрата укључујући и капелу Светог Димитрија. Захваљујући љубазности Института за европске студије, разгледању су присуствовали и неки чланови Института који су били локални водичи и показали члановима тима ЦТЕС културно наслеђе града. Тако је колега са Института за европске студије Петар С. Ћурчић говорио о значају Сремских Карловаца у смислу културног трансфера. Група је посетила и саборну цркву Светог Николе у Сремским Карловцима подигнуту 1758-62. Након тога група је отишла у Нови Сад где је имала још једно вођено обилазак историје Новог Сада са посебним освртом на европски културни трансфер. О томе су говорили колеге са Института за европске студије: др Александар Гајић, члан тима ЦТЕС-а и Петар С. Чурчић.


17. oktobar - Konferencija "Kulturni transfer Evropa-Srbija u socijalističkoj Jugoslaviji"

Tokom sedmog kvartala održana je još jedna naučna konferencija na Fakultetu političkih nauka. Datum konferencije bio je 17. oktobar 2023. a konferencija je bila na temu Kulturni transfer Evropa-Srbija u socijalističkoj Jugoslaviji. Osamnaest (ko)autora predstavilo je 16 radova u četiri panela a konferencija je bila dostupna i preko zoom linka. Kooridinatori konferencije bili su članovi tima prof. dr Marina Simić i dr Ivana Pantelić.


30. novembar – Naučni skup „Kulturni transfer Evropa-Srbija u XIX veku“

Institut za evropske studije Vas poziva na naučni skup „Kulturni transfer Evropa-Srbija u XIX veku“. Skup će se održati 30. novembra 2022, sa početkom u 10:30. Program konferencije dostupan je na dnu ove vesti Projekat se realizuje u sklopu projekta „Kulturni transfer Evropa-Srbija od 19. do 21. veka“ Skup će se održati u Svečanoj sali Instituta za evropske studije, a publika će moći da ga prati i preko aplikacije Zum, uz prethodnu registraciju na linku:


23. januar – Skup „Digitalne baze periodike u Srbiji i analiza evropskog kulturnog transfera“ (drugi deo skupa Kulturni transfer Evropa-Srbija u 19. veku)

U ponedeljak, 23. januara, sa početkom u 11 časova, u Svečanoj sali Instituta održaće se skup zatvorenog tipa na temu digitalne periodike u Srbiji i analize evropskog kulturnog transfera. Skup je deo projekta „Kulturni transfer Evropa-Srbija u 19. veku“, koji se realizuje kao deo programa IDEAS – IDEJE koji finansira Fond za nauku Srbije.